- • Publication Schedule: 30th of every odd month (6 issues a year)
- • Publication Record: 1985 ~ Current
- • Listed in Korean Citation Index
- • Publisher: Korean Society on Water Environment
- • pISSN: 2289-0971
- • eISSN: 2289-098X
The Journal of the Korean Society on Water Environment, abbreviated as Journal of KSWE, is the official journal of the Korean Society on Water Environment. The journal was first launched in 1985 as the Journal of Korean Society of Water Pollution Research and Control. It was later renamed the Journal of Korean Society of Water Quality in 1998, maintaining this title until 2012.
Currently, the Journal of KSWE publishes refereed, original research papers, review articles, and notes on technical and policy issues concerning all aspects of science and technologies related to water environments. The journal covers topics and study areas from a global perspective, while also addressing unique and scientifically interesting local issues. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes:
- - Technologies and strategies for water recycling and reuse
- - Effects of nonpoint source pollution on water bodies and its management practices
- - Water treatment and supply, and system improvements
- - Understanding and engineering solutions for hydrology and hydraulics
- - Scientific investigations to understand aquatic ecosystems
- - Modeling of water quality and quantity to predict future variability
- - Technologies and policy implementations for improved watershed management
- - Remediation and management of contaminated groundwater
- - Emerging wastewater treatment technologies and improvement approaches
- - Understanding natural phenomena and water quality improvement in rivers and lakes
- - Toxicity assessments for aquatic ecosystem sustainability
- - Quantitative and qualitative analyses of contaminants in water environments
- - Environmental policies to improve aquatic environments