Regulation and Guideline

Print ISSN 2289-0971

(Enacted on December 12, 1996)
(Revised on January 1, 2006)
(Revised on January 1, 2008)
(Revised on August 1, 2011)
(Revised on December 1, 2011)
(Revised on January 1, 2013)
(Revised on January 1, 2016)
(Revised on January 01, 2017)
(Revised on September 01, 2018)
Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to stipulate the matters on submission of research papers for a systematic and efficient execution of the journal publishing business of the KSWE in accordance with Article 4-2 of the Articles of the Korean Society on Water Environment.

Article 2. Classification of Manuscripts

The manuscripts published in the Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment are classified into a research paper, review paper, technical note, special issue, or discussion. Manuscript submitted to the KSWS may have not been published elsewhere and may not be currently submitted nor planned to be submitted to another publication.

  • Research Paper: It is an original paper on scientific and technical outcomes with creative and academic values and shall have a well-composed structure as an academic paper.
  • Review Paper: It presents an academically valuable conclusion through a comprehensive and creative interpretation of literature reviews concerning research status, issues, and future challenges.
  • Technical Note: It is a fragmentary research outcome that contains a newly discovered fact and an academic value. 
  • Special Issue: The Editorial Committee selects topics and authors on timely issues to commission the authors to write manuscripts.
  • Discussion: If a complementary or opposing opinion is raised about research methods or findings of a paper that has already been published in this journal and is written by the original author, it can be contributed in the form of discussion, and in this case, the original author shall respond to this matter as much as possible.
Article 3. Qualification of Submission

The contributor and the corresponding author shall be the members of the Korean Society on Water Environment (hereinafter, "the Society").

Article 4. Manuscript Preparation
  • 1.
    Preparation Methods

    Manuscripts can be written either in Korean or English language using either Hangul (word-processor program) or Microsoft Word on an A4 size paper with a font size of 11-point for text and a line spacing of 160%. A cover page file shall be created and submitted separately from a manuscript file.

  • 2.
    Cover page file

    A cover page file shall be submitted as a separate file with the following contents(Form 1. cover page file)

    • Title of Paper: The title of paper shall summarize the overall content of the paper accurately and concisely, and the first character in the paper title shall be capitalized.
    • Author Information: Authors' Names, author's affiliation and posion shall written in both English and Korean. The primary author shall be indicated as the first author, followed by the other authors in the order of the second and third. If authors belong to different affiliations, an asterisk (1) shall be placed after the upper right side of the concerned author's name as a superscript and the author's affiliation shall be indicated. The position of the author of each affiliation should be written in lower case letters and the paper should be written at the bottom of the manuscript. A superscript dagger mark (†) shall be placed after the upper right side of the corresponding author, whose e-mail address shall be indicated in the footnote on the first page of the manuscrip
    • Abstract and Key words: The abstract in English shall be a concise and brief summary of the overall content of the paper in one paragraph within 200 to 250 words, and 4 to 6 key words shall be indicated in an alphabetical order.
  • 3.
    Manuscript file

    A manuscript file shall have the title of the paper written in both English and Korean, and below it, if the main body is written in Korea, it shall be composed in the order of Abstract (in English), Key words (in English), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References (in English), Table (in English) and Figure (in English). Or if the main body is written in English, it shall be composed in the order of Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Abstract in Korean, References, Table and Figure. However, the composition order of the review paper, special issue, and discussion can be changed for the sake of authors' convenience. 다(Form 2. manuscript file)

  • 4.
    Composition of the Main body

    The main body shall be written in the order of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusion, which shall be distinguished by Arabic numerals. e.g.) 1. Introduction 2. Materials and Methods (2.1, 2.1.1) 3. Results and Discussion 4. Conclusion

  • 5.
    Abbreviations and acronyms

    If a term is used for the first time in the main body, it shall be spelled out in full, followed by its abbreviation or acronym within parentheses.

  • 6.
    Tables, figures and photographs

    All tables, figures and photographs shall be numbered in a consecutive order using Arabic numerals. The first character of their titles shall be capitalized, and the titles of the figures and photos shall be written below them, while the tiles of tables shall be written above them. If more than two figures or tables are to be placed under the same number, the sub titles shall be indicated by lowercase letters inside parentheses, e.g., (a), (b), (c), etc. The location of their insertion shall be indicated in the main body.
    e.g.) Fig. 1. Water yield simulation accuracy. (a) Andong dam, (b) Imha dam.
    Table 1. Results of the model experiments

  • 7.
    • 7.1
      Reference Notation Guidelines
      • All the references quoted in the main body shall be included in the references, and all the listed references shall be cited in the main body.
      • All the references shall be written in English. If those references written in other languages than English indicate the author name, paper title and journal name in English, the English names and titles shall be used as they are, and the original language of the literature shall be indicated within square brackets. But, if they have names and titles written in other languages, they shall be noted in English in accordance with each language's English notation system or as they are pronounced.
      • The references shall be arranged by the names of the first authors in an alphabetical order, and if they have the same primary authors, they shall be arranged by the names of the second authors and third authors in an alphabetical order
      • If more than two literatures have the same author name as well as the same publication year, they can be distinguished by adding a lower-case English alphabet, (e.g. a, b, c, etc.) to the publication year.
      • The names of all authors and editors shall be indicated regardless of the number of authors or editors.
      • In regard to the notation of editors, if there is one editor, "(ed.)" shall be inserted after the name, or if there are more than two editors, "(eds.) shall be inserted after the names.
      • The names of academic journals, conference proceedings, books and reports shall be italicized, and the remaining shall be indicted using the same font type as used in the main body.
      • The issue number and the publishing year (publication year) shall be indicated within parentheses.
      • The name of journals, publishing institute etc., shall be spelled out in full.
    • 7.2
      Reference Notation Style
      • Papers published in journals: name(s) of author(s). (year of publication). title of paper, name of journal, volume (issue number), page numbers of citations.
        e.g.) Hong, K. D. (2004). Livestock wastewater treatment by a constructed wetland, Journal of Korea Society of Water Environment, 20(2), 873-879. [Korean Literature]
        Johnson, H. F., Field, R., and Tassler, M. E. (1988). Gas absorption and aerosol collection in a venturi atomizer, Atmosphere Environment, 46(8), 72-78.
      • Papers published in conference proceedings: name(s) of the author(s). (year of publication). title of paper, name of conference proceedings, publishing institution, host country (if held overseas), page numbers of citations.
        e.g.) Hong, K. D., Kim, C. S., and Kim, Y. H. (2012). Study on the organic materials in the nakdong river, Proceedings of the 2012 Spring Co-Conference of the Korean Society on Water Environment and Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, Korean Society on Water Environment and Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, 359-362. [Korean Literature]
        Webster, W. C. and Trudell, R. W. (1981). Statistics of local motions on a ship, Proceedings of the Conference on Directional Spectra Applications, country, date, 461-482.
      • Papers published in books: name(s) of the author(s). (year of publication). title of paper, name of book, (name of editor), (volume), name of publishing institution or publisher, country of publication (if published overseas), page numbers of citations.
        e.g.) Blong, R. J. (1985). Gully sidewall development in New South Wales Australia, Soil Erosion and Conservation, El-Swanify, S. A., Moldenhauer, W. C., and Lo, A. (eds.), Soil Conservation Society of America, Ankeny, lowa, 574-584.
      • Books (single volume): name of the author(s) or institutions. (year of publication). title of book, (name of editor), name of publishing institution or publisher, country of publication (if published overseas), page numbers of citations.
        e.g.) Hong, K. D. (2006). Theory and practice of survival analysis, Singwang Publisher, 574-584. [Korean Literature] Norris, C. H. and Wibur, J. B. (1960). Elementary structural analysis, McGraw Hill, New York, 461-482.
      • M.A. and Ph.D. thesis and dissertation: name(s) of the author(s). (year of publication). title of thesis or dissertation, type of degrees, name of university, city and country (if located overseas), page numbers of citations.
        e.g.) Hong, K. D. (2000). A study on comparison with BAF and SBBR, Master's Thesis, Hankook University, city, country, 53-60. [Korean Literature]
        Beltaos, S. (1974). Turbulent impinging jets, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada, 120-165.
      • Report (government document): name of the author(s) or institutions. (year of publication). title of report, document reference number, city and country (if located overseas), page numbers of citations.
        e.g.) Korea Water Resources Corporation (KWRC). (2004). A study on approach flow of turbid water exclusion facilities within density stratified reservoir, KIWE-CHR-04-10, Korea Water Resources Corporation, 61-80. [Korean Literature]
        Edinger, J. E., Brady, D. K., and Geyer, J. C. (1974). Heat exchange and transport in the environment, Report 14, EPRI Publication No. 74-049-00-3, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, 70-75.
      • Online document: name(s) of author(s) only if available. (year of publication). name of website, URL (month-day-year of information retrieval).
        e.g.) Ministry of Environment (ME). (2012). Water Environment Information System (WEIS), (accessed Jun. 2012).
    • 7.3
      Citation in the Main Body
      • Indicate only the last name of authors and the year of publication in the main body.
      • If there are less than two authors, indicate the name(s) of author(s) and the year of publication.
      • If there are more than three authors, indicate only the name of the first author, followed by 'et al.'.
      • If more than two references of the same author are cited, indicate the name of the author just once and insert ',' between the years of publication.
      • If more than two references of the same author and with the same publication year are cited, indicate the name of the author and add a lower-case alphabet (e.g. 'a, b, c, etc.') after the year of publication in an alphabetic order.
      • If the author is an institution, indicate the name of the institution in full, if the name is short. However, if the name is too long, spell it out in full when it appears for the first time, followed by its acronym within parentheses, and after it, indicate only the acronym.
      • If more than two references of different authors are cited together, indicate them according to the listed order in the reference and insert ';' between the cited papers.
        e.g.) according to a study by Hong and Kim (2003)...
        according to a study by Walsh et al. (2001, 2003)...
        Smith et al. (1997) compared the differences....
        Research findings (Hong et al., 2001a, 2001b; Kartly et al., 1991; Walsh et al., 1995)
Article 5. Manuscript submission

Manuscripts can be submitted at any time in an electronic form through the online paper submission system at the official website of the KSWE (

  • A KSWE member can use the same ID and password registered at the website of the KSWE to log in to the online paper submission system. 
  • Once you log in, click on the 'new paper submission' button and see the author's checklist, and then insert the author's information and the paper's information and attach a cover page file and a manuscript file.
  • The contributor shall agree on the copyright transfer agreement and pay the processing fees to complete the submission.
Article 6. Evaluation, acceptance, proof-reading and return of manuscripts
  • The Editorial Committee has the overall control of the review, acceptance & rejection, and return of manuscripts and can change the format of the manuscript or the words and phrases of sentences at its own discretion without compromising the content of the manuscript.
  • The first proofreading of a manuscript is performed by the authors but any changes to the manuscript (the revision, insertion, and deletion of an author or any part of the main body) are not allowed. 
  • If the content or format of a manuscript is not prepared in accordance with the instructions of the journal provided herein, it cannot be accepted and shall be returned.
Article 7. Review charges, publication fees and offprints
  • The review charges shall be paid when a manuscript is submitted. And the publication fees shall be paid within the specified period before the paper is published in the journal.
  • The review fees amount to 50,000KRW per manuscript. The publication fees are partially paid by the authors of a manuscript, who shall pay 10,000KRW/page (up to a maximum of six pages) and 20,000KRW for each additional page.
  • For a color printed version, the authors shall pay the actual expenses.
  • 20 copies of offprints of the published manuscript are given to the author(s) free of charge.
Article 8. Copyright
  • The copyrights of all papers published in the journal of the KSWE belong to the Korean Society on Water Environment.
  • The copyrights of those papers which are already published or to be published in future will belong to the KSWE. Upon the contribution of a manuscript, its copyrights will be transferred to the KSWE. Also, no objections can be raised concerning the KSWE's ownership of copyrights to the existing published papers.
  • When a contributor submits a manuscript, he or she shall submit '[Form 2] Copyright Transfer Agreement'. Unless the copyright transfer agreement is submitted, the paper shall not be published even if it passes the review of the Society.
Article 9. Research Publication Ethics
  • When the members of the Society registered their membership, they agreed to abide by the code of ethics regulations. Therefore, checking on 'Item 1. Agree to abide by ethics regulation' in the author's checklist of the first phase of the paper submission is regarded as agreeing to comply with the publication ethics.
  • The Society is a member of Crosscheck to detect duplicate publication and plagiarism./li>
  • A paper to be published is subject to a test to detect any research misconducts (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism and duplicate publication), and if any misconducts are detected, the publication will be revoked, and the Editorial Committee will examine the seriousness of the issue to decide on the level of disciplinary measures in accordance with the enforcement guidelines for the research ethics regulations.
Article 10. Miscellaneous

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to take decisions on matters not specified herein