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Print ISSN 2289-0971


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Decolorization of Acid Orange 2 from Aqueous Solutions using Loess
Analysis of Road-to-Stream Linkage Characteristics in a Mountain Catchment using the Discriminant Analysis
Land Use Characteristics in the Kyungan Watershed by Analyzing Long-Term Land Cover Data
Effective Removal of Gaseous BTEX Using VPB During Treatment of Briny Produced Water
Market Evaluation of Seawater Desalination Plant considering International Water Scarcity and Expense Outlook by Use and Nation
Study on Change of Microbial Activity and Removal Efficiency of Phosphorus with Alum Injection in the Biological Process
Formation of Oxidants and Removal of Dye Rhodamine B using PbO2 Electrode
Optimal Management Scheme for Phosphorus Discharged from Public Sewage Treatment Plant Located in Upstream Basin of Paldang Lake
A Study on the Performance Improvement of Flash-Mixer in Water-Treatment Plant
Assessment of Stream Naturalness Considering Physical, Biological, and Chemical Factors
Watershed Selection for Diffuse Pollution Management Based on Flow Regime Alteration and Water Quality Variation Analysis
Effect of Coagulant addition on Nutrient Removal Efficiency in a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor