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Print ISSN 2289-0971


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Development of Coupled SWAT-SWMM to Evaluate Effects of LID on Flow Reduction in Complex Landuse
Removal of Phosphorus and NOM in Wastewater Effluent Using Ejector·BAF System
Fish Distribution and Compositions Along with Altitude and Longitudinal Distance from the River Mouth in the Tamjin River Basin, Korea
Comparison of NPS Pollution Characteristics between Snowmelt and Rainfall Runoff from a Highland Agricultural Watershed
The Epilithic Diatom Community and Water Quality Assessment in Pyengchang River and Inflow Streams of Gangwon-do
Current Status of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Nakdong River Basin
Long-term Water Quality Fluctuations in Daechung Reservoir and the Limiting Nutrient Evaluations Using In Situ Enclosure Nutrient Enrichment Bioassays (NEBs)
Physico-chemical Water Quality Gradients Along the Main Axis of the Headwater-to-Downstream of Geumho River and Their Influences on Fish Guilds
Contributions to the Impaired Water Bodies by Hydrologic Conditions for the Management of Total Maximum Daily Loads
Development of the Ecohydrologic Model for Simulating Water Balance and Vegetation Dynamics
Evaluation of the Possibility of Daily Flow Data Generation from 8-Day Interval Measured Flow Data using SWAT-CUP
Groundwater Pollution Analysis Using Patent Map
A Study on Establishment of the Industrial Wastewater Effluent Limitations Based on Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available - Case Study for the Pulp, Paper and Paper Board Manufacturing
Technical Note : Evaluation of Corrosion Index by Water Quality Parameters in Korea