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Print ISSN 2289-0971


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The Occurence of Trihalomethanes in Daegu Drinking Water Supplies
An Experimental Study on the Shape of Baffle Wall in Rectangular Sedimentation Basin
Effects of Treatment of Heavy Metals in Wastewater on Zeolites (2)
Inhibition of Anaerobic Digestion for Alcohol Distillery Waste
Evaluation of an Effective Pretreatment Process For The Piggery Wastewater Treatment
An Approach to Septic Tank Improvement
Effects of Biological Flocculation on the Trickling Filter Sludge Settleability
일본 천엽현 수도국 백정정수장 (柏井淨水場) 개요
국제수질보전학회 참관기 : ' 90경도 국제수질보전학회 ( IAWPRC ) 학술회의를 다녀와서