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Print ISSN 2289-0971


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Effects of Heavy Metal Ions on the Fertilized Eggs of Killifish , Oryzias latipes
A Environmental Characteristics on Phytoplankton Growth in the Coastal Water of YOSU by Multivariate Analysis ( MVA )
Seasonal Succession of Phytoplankton in some Artificial Lakes of Korea
Identification of Algal Growth Limiting Nutrient in some Artificial Lakes of Korea by Algal Growth Potential Spike Test
Comparison of the Air and Oxygen Activated Sludge Systems for the Treatment of Dying Industrial Wastewater
Treatment of the Polluted Stream Water by Using the Gravel Contact Oxidation Process
A Non - linear Stochastic Model for Adsorption in Batch Reactors
Nutrient Contents in Domestic Wastewater